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Configuring the Forums

Like its other features, Tiki's forums are fully customizable. You can have as many different forums on your site as you want.
From the Administration page:

  1. Click Forum.


    You can also access the Administration: Forums page by typing in your web browser.

    The Administration: Forums page contains all the options to customize your Tiki forums. These options apply to all forums on your Tiki.
  2. Click the General Settings tab.
  3. In the Features area, select the following options:
    Configuring the forum options on the Administration: Forum  page.
    • Accept wiki syntax: This will allow you to use the same wiki syntax (that you used when creating a wiki page) in the forums.
      Also enable the Strip wiki markup... option. This ensures that the email notifications will be sent in plain text (without any wiki markup code).
    • Quick jumps: This allows you to quickly move between different forums and threads.
  4. In the Threads area, select the following options:
    Configuring the forum options on the Administration: Forum  page.
    • Default style: Change to Threaded. This will cause Tiki to show forum replies indented under its parent.
    • Default sort mode: Select Newest first.
  5. Leave the other options as their default setting.


    Refer to the Tiki documentation for complete information on all the forum configuration options.
  6. Use the Forums Listing tab to specify what properties appear, when Tiki lists the forms.
    Admin: Forums
    Configuring the forums listing.

    Fow now, you can leave these options as their default settings.
  7. Click Apply. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

The forums are now configured.

  1. Open the Forum menu in the Menu module and click List Forums.
    Select the List Forums option in the Forums menu.
  2. The List Forums page shows the current forums. Right now there are none!
    The List Forums  page shows the forums on your site.


Use the Forums Listing tab to determine which columns appear when listing the forums.

Let's create a new forum.

in this section

Created by Rick Sapir (ricks99). Last Modification: Friday August 7, 2020 02:57:36 pm EDT by Rick Sapir (ricks99).
