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Create a New Blog

Before you can start writing blog posts, you have to create... a blog.

From the List Blogs page:

  1. Click Create Blog.


    You can also create a new blog by selecting Create/Edit Blog in the Blog menu of the Menu module.
  2. Use the Create Blog page to create a new blog.
    Create Blog page
    The Create Blog page configures the settings for this specific blog.
  3. Enter the following information in each field:
    • Title: Enter a name for the blog.
    • Description: Enter a more detailed description of your blog.
    • Allow search: Enable this option to include a blog-specific search field for the blog.
    • Allow other users to post to this blog: Disable this option.
    • Allow Comments: Enable this option to allow visitors to post comments to the blog posts.

    Leave the other options as their defaults.
  4. Use the Display Options to specify additional options for the blog, including custom headers for the blog and its posts.
    Create Blog page


    If you enabled the Custom blog headings option on the Configuring Blogs page, you can add additional Smarty and XHTML markup.

    By default, Tiki shows:
    • The name of the blog and its description
    • The date of the blog's creation and last post
    • Some stats including total number of posts and visits


    You can also include Smarty markup in the blog header as well. However, if your Smarty markup is invalid, your blogs may not appear properly and you will have to edit the database, directly, to fix the problem. Use Smarty markup with care.
  5. Click Save to save the blog.The List Blogs page now shows your newly created blog.

List Blogs  page.

Now that you have a blog, you can post to it.

Created by Rick Sapir (ricks99). Last Modification: Wednesday June 17, 2020 10:26:38 am EDT by Rick Sapir (ricks99).
