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Using Tracker Forms

In addition to using the Insert new item area of the Tracker page to add new tracker items, you can create a standard HTML form on any wiki page by using the

  1. Create a new wiki page named Visitor Information Form. You already know how.
  2. In the Edit area type:
    !My Site Visitors
    Please use this form to add detailed information about yourself:
    {TRACKER(trackerId=>1, fields=>1:2:3:4:5:6:7, action=>Add Me, showmandatory=>y)}Thank you!{TRACKER}

    This example uses the Tracker plugin to create a form. The options used:
    • trackerId: The ID of the tracker.
    • fields: The fields from the tracker to include in the form. Here, we have included all the available fields, in order, but you could change this.
      Be sure to use the field's ID and not its order.
    • action: The name of the submission button. If left blank, Tiki will use Submit.
    • showmandatory: Tiki will display a * next to each field that is required (such as the Your name, Email, and Country fields).
    • The text Thank you! will be shown to visitors after they submit the form.


    See the TikiWiki documentation for complete information on the Tracker plugin and all available options.
  3. Click Save. Tiki saves the information and reloads the page.

The Visitor Information wiki page now contains a form that will automatically add items to the tracker.
Visitor Information  page

Use the wiki page to add additional items to the tracker.

Because you added your email to be notified (when you created the tracker), Tiki will send you an automated email for each item you add.

Created by Rick Sapir (ricks99). Last Modification: Friday May 17, 2019 12:35:13 pm EDT by Rick Sapir (ricks99).
